Black Dog Gelato: A Look Back (And Ahead)

Ten years ago, I was trying to open my first Black Dog Gelato on Damen in Ukrainian Village. It was a scary time for me, full of uncertainty, and I wasn’t sure I could pull it off. Back then, I didn’t know what I didn’t know, at times I still feel that way, but I crossed my fingers and went for it. ⠀
Somehow, 10 years have passed, and only because of our wonderful customers. We’ve had our ups and downs (don’t talk to me about Mariano Park), but with every summer comes renewed excitement. This summer is different, and I find myself feeling the same anxiety I felt years ago. What we thought would be a joyful summer celebrating our tenth anniversary along with the launch of our new shop in Logan Square, is now full of concern about what’s to come. ⠀
Weeks ago, I made the decision to send our staff home as we waited to see how the COVID-19 virus would reshape our reality. I myself have been at home with my kids, trying to keep them occupied and schooled, sneaking in work emails while my husband works in the ER, seeing people who’ve been infected by this horrible and indiscriminate virus. ⠀
I’ve stayed quiet on social media because it’s hard to know what to say; nothing seems right anymore. As we watch our neighbors get sick and our industry friends lose their livelihood, gelato seems a trivial thing in these scary times. We would have opened this past weekend if it were any other spring, and to those of you who have asked, please know we will reopen when it’s safe to do so. In the meantime, I’m counting our blessings that we will survive to see another gelato season and dreaming of new flavors to share together. ⠀
Until then, all the best to you and your loved ones, and please keep yourselves safe!