For Black Dog’s Oloroso, sweet is too simple

It was one of those days where you feel the Chicago summer heat rising off the pavement, and one of those days that begs for rich gelato. The timing could not have been better for a conversation with Jessica “Jessie” Oloroso, owner and founder of Ukrainian Village’s Black Dog Gelato. At the corner of Damen and Iowa streets, it is a pleasant fusion of multiple personalities: upbeat urban music, feminine pink walls, a welcoming touch of country white wainscoting, and the original ceiling’s testament to the long history of this location. But most of all, it is a neighborhood place. While waiting for Jessie to come from the other location in Roscoe Village, a couple took it upon themselves to coach me on which of the usual and unusual gelatos I must try. Upon further questioning, they confessed that they came there probably more often than they would admit to. Once Jessie arrived, we sat at one of the tables while customers came in a steady stream for their fix: from cyclists to families with excited small children. They all shared that moment of contemplative hesitation in front of the gelato case, trying to decide which flavors to choose.